Published Articles
Cortisol Measurement at Point of Care or Use: A Portable Fluorescence Immunoassay Method Using Capillary (Finger Prick) Samples
John Bolodeoku and Tae Kyum Kim
Cortisol Measurement at Point of Care or Use: A Portable Fluorescence Immunoassay Method… DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1003657
IntechOpen Online First
Presence of Elevated Interleukin – 6 (IL-6) in the Blood of COVID-19 Convalescent Patients (40 – 93 Days) Post Onset of Symptoms Could be an Indicator of Ongoing Activation of the Immune System
Bolodeoku J, Anyaeche C, Bass M, Kim TK. Presence of Elevated Interleukin – 6 (IL-6) in the Blood of COVID-19 Convalescent Patients (40 – 93 Days) Post Onset of Symptoms Could be an Indicator of Ongoing Activation of the Immune System. J Cell Signal. 2023;4(4):163-168.
Journal of Cellular Signalling
Only thirty percent (30%) of patients on PCSK9 inhibitors achieve ESC/EAS LDL-Cholesterol (LDL-C) guideline target of LDL-C < 1.8 mmol/L in a specialist lipid clinic
J Bolodeoku*, K Morris**. S Whitehead**
Comparison of Venous and Capillary Whole Blood Estimations of Covid-19 IgG and IgM Antibodies
J Bolodeoku, M Bass, C Anyaeche, V Retnasinhgham. Comparison of Venous and Capillary Whole Blood Estimations of Covid-19 IgG and IgM Antibodies. 2022- 4(3) OAJBS.ID.000460.
Open Access Journal of Biomedical Science
Characterisation of Dynamiker SARS-Cov-2 Neutralization Antibody (Nabs) Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFA) and Enzyme Immunoassays (Eias) Diasorin Liaison RBD and Abbott Igg Quant in Convalescent Sera of SARS-Cov-2 Patients
Bolodeoku, J., Senessie, A., & Patel, K. (2022). Characterisation of Dynamiker SARS-Cov-2 Neutralization Antibody (Nabs) Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFA) and Enzyme Immunoassays (Eias) Diasorin Liaison RBD and Abbott Igg Quant in Convalescent Sera of SARS-Cov-2 Patients. British Journal of Healthcare and Medical Research, 9(2), 231–237. https://doi.org/10.14738/jbemi.92.12250
Characterisation Covid-19 IgG Antibody Kinetics Post Infection and Vaccination using the Boditech iCHROMA™ Fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) Method
Bolodeoku J, et al. Characterisation Covid 19 IgG Antibody Kinetics Post Infection and Vaccination using the Boditech iCHROMA™ Fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) Method. Ann Immunol Immunother 2022, 4(1): 000163
An evaluation of the performance of the Point of Care Test iCHROMA™ AFP method: Precision and accuracy
Bolodeoku, J., Coker, O., Bains, S.., Anyaeche, C., & Kim, T. K . (2021). An evaluation of the performance of the Point of Care Test iCHROMA™ AFP method: Precision and accuracy. Journal of Global Medicine, 1(2), e7. https://doi.org/10.51496/jogm.v1.7
S Clark, J Bolodeoku, Self-Cholesterol Measuring Devices Mission and CardioChek: Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)-Cholesterol Estimations in Whole Blood Samples. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 35(4)-2021. BJSTR.MS.ID.005735
J Bolodeoku, M Bass, C Anyaeche, V Retnasingham.
A Mild Case of COVID-19 Infection: An Observational Longitudinal Study 27 Days Post Symptom of Antigen, Antibodies (IgM & IgG), IL-6 and D-Dimer. A Review.
Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2021 - 11(6). AJBSR. MS.ID.001686. DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2021.11.001686.
J Bolodeoku, S Pinkney, V Chand, C Anyaeche, Tae Kyum Kim, F Chinegwundoh
Serum Total Testosterone Measurement Using Point of Care Test (POCT) I-CHROMA™ Testosterone Method in Healthy Male Volunteers. Research and Reviews Journal of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy. RR: JHCP | Volume 6| Issue 4 | November, 2020
Bolodeoku J, Bass M, TK Kim, Anyaeche C, and Retnasingham V, (2020) Performance of the Boditech iCHROMA Covid-19 IgG antibody assay with the external quality control from UK NIBSC (National Institute of Biological Standards and Control), J, Clin Med Rev and Rep.3(4); DOI: 10.31579/2690-8794/048
Bolodeoku J, Clark S, Anyaeche C. Self-Monitoring of Blood Cholesterol (SMBC) using the Total Cholesterol Testing Cartridge on the 1 drop™ Smartphone. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 29(2)-2020. BJSTR. MS.ID.004760.
J Bolodeoku, et al, Agreement of the Point of Care Test (POCT) Boditech iCHROMA™ Covid-19 IgG Antibody Assay with the Abbott Architect SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody Assay. Ann Immunol Immunother 2020, 2(2): 000121.
Bolodeoku J, Coker O, Bains S, Kim T, Anyaeche C (2020)
The Performance of the Point of Care Test (POCT) i-CHROMA Ferritin Method and other Methods Enrolled in the RIQAS. J Biochem Analyt Stud 4(2): dx.doi.org/10.16966/2576-5833.120
J Bolodeoku, S Bains, O M Adegoke, O F Ajani, A D Olukuewu, O Ogbeiwi,
Evaluating Critical Care Point of Care Testing (POCT) devices and tests in Nigeria. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 24(3)-2020.
BJSTR.MS.ID.004052 https://biomedres.us/pdfs/BJSTR.MS.ID.004052.pdf
Bolodeoku J, Ogbeiwi O, Kuti MA, Adebisi SA.
Laboratory Tests Turnaround Time in Outpatient and Emergency Patients in Nigeria: Results of a Physician Survey on Point of Care Testing. IJMRHS 2017, 6 (5) : 76 – 81
Bolodeoku J. Hand-Held Self-Monitoring Blood Cholesterol Devices for the Monitoring of Patients. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 23(5)-2019. BJSTR. https://biomedres.us/pdfs/BJSTR.MS.ID.003967.pdf
J Bolodeoku, O Coker, S Bains, C Anyaeche, TK Kim and F Chinegwundoh (2019)
The Accuracy Performance of the Point of Care Test (POCT) Boditech I-CHROMA™ Testosterone Method using External Quality Assessment Schemes: RIQAS and UKNEQAS. Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2019 - 4(6). AJBSR.MS.ID.000859. DOI: 10.34297/ AJBSR.2019.04.000859
Bolodeoku J, Pinkney S, Anyaeche C, Xia A and Bin R. Precision Performance of the Chengdu Seamaty SMT-100, Point of Care Test (POCT) Device for General Chemistry and Liver Function Panels – A Manufacturer and Customer Laboratory Experience. Biochem Mol Biol J Vol.5: No.1:03.
Bolodeoku J, Fakokunde A. Quantitative Point of Care testing of HCG in early pregnancy units: A Review. Integr Gyn Obstet J, Volume 2(2): 2–3, 2019
Bolodeoku J, Bains S, Pinkney S, Coker O, Kim TK, et al. (2019)
An Evaluation of the Boditech i-CHROMA™ Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Method: Precision and Accuracy.
Ann Clin Lab Res Vol. 7 No. 2: 302.
Bolodeoku J. Self-monitoring blood cholesterol (SMBC) testing: within person day to day variation in a healthy volunteer Med Res Arch 2017
Bolodeoku J. Self-monitoring of blood cholesterol (SMBC) for patients with hyperlipidaemia using point of care testing devices. Clinical Commissioning Groups Association 70 Years of the NHS p96 – 97: 2018/19
Bolodeoku J. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Pro-calcitonin (PCT) point of care testing. Clinical Commissioning Groups Association 70 Years of the NHS 74 – 75: 2018/19
Bolodeoku J. Biological Variation of Self-Monitoring of Blood Cholesterol (SMBC) Using Portable Handheld Point of Care Testing Devices: 3in1, Cardio Chek PA and Elemark. Curr Trends Med Diagn Meth DOI: 10.29011/ CTMDM-106.100006 2018
Bolodeoku J, Bains S, Chand V, Bacon R, Weir P, Miles V, Chinegwundoh F.
An evaluation of the Point of Care Test i-CHROMA Prostate Specific Antigen method for screening in the community. Point of Care: The Journal of Near Patient Testing & Technology 2017, 16 (2) : 93 – 96
Bolodeoku J, Bains S, Pinkney S, Coker O, Fakokunde
Comparison of the point of care test (POCT), i-CHROMA™ human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), leutinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) methods with the other laboratory methods in the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS). Clin Obstet Gynecol Reprod Med 2017 3 (4) : 1-7
Bains S, Anyaeche C, Wyatt A, Coker O, Bolodeoku J.
Evaluation of point of care test (POCT), i-CHROMA serum c-reactive protein (CRP) assay and microalbumin urine (MAU) methods. Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Research 2017 vol 5: No 3:192
Pinkney S, Bains S, Goyal A, Gupta N, Bolodeoku J.
Evaluating a Membrane Based Rapid Plasma Separation Device (RPSD) for Immunoassay Point of Care Testing (POCT) for Estimations of Cortisol,D-Dimer, Myoglobin and Thyroxine. Ann Clin Lab Res 2017 vol 5: No 3.196
Bolodeoku J, Pinkney S, Bains S, Andrade ML.
An Assessment of Automated Vitamin D Measurement Methods Including a Point of Care Testing Method, i-CHROMA™ Using the Randox International Quality Assurance Scheme (RIQAS) Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 3 (4) 2018
Beltran L, Leach E, de Fonseka S, Bolodeoku J, Chinegwundoh F.
An Evaluation of the Novel i-CHROMA Point of Care Testing (POCT) Method for the Analysis of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in Serum. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 9 (4) 2018.
Bolodeoku J, Coker O, Bains S, Anyaeche C, Kim K, Chinegwundoh F.
The Performance of the Point of Care Test (POCT) i-CHROMA PSA Method Using Internal and External Quality Assessment Schemes: United Kingdom External Quality Assessment Service (UKNEQAS) and Randox International Quality Assessment Service (RIQAS). Curr Trends Med Diagn Meth: CTMDM-104. DOI:10.29011/CTMDM-104. 100004
Bolodeoku J, Kuti MA, Melichan B, Adebisi SA.
A Survey of the Awareness, Knowledge, and Experience of Point of Care Devices of Doctors in Nigeria. Point of Care: The Journal of Near Patient Testing & Technology 2016, 15 (1) : 22 – 25