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JB Diagnostiks in the UK

and QDT Medical Laboratories in Nigeria


Range of Point of Care Devices and Accessories

iCHROMAâ„¢ Covid-19 Antibody and Antigen Testing


iCHROMAâ„¢ II Reader

iCHROMAâ„¢ Covid-19 Antibody


• Higher sensitivity than rapid test

• Doesn’t need special lab such as BSL3

• Able to monitor patient by using COI of IgG/IgM. Rapid test cannot

• Results in 10 minutes


Clinical sensitivity: 100%, Clinical specificity: 97% (data sheet)

Close agreement with PHE’s approved Abbott Architect SAR-Cov-2 antibody (J Bolodeoku, et al, Agreement of the Point of Care Test (POCT) Boditech iCHROMA™ Covid-19 IgG Antibody Assay with the Abbott Architect SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibody Assay. Ann Immunol Immunother 2020, 2(2): 000121).


iCHROMA™ Covid-19 Antigen



• Objective test result

• 20-30 tests per hour in Multi-mode

• High agreement with RT-PCR

• Data management via LIS



Clinical sensitivity: 87.5%, Clinical specificity: 96.5% (from preliminary study) with real sample (n=81).







BBB Tech

elemark Mobile Cholesterol Meter

Receive an instant result from a drop of blood for:

Total Cholesterol; HDL Cholesterol; LDL Cholesterol; Triglycerides



SMT-120 Chemistry Analyser

For Human Use

Parameter discs:

  • Conventional Test
  • Health Check
  • Liver Function
  • Kidney Function
  • Electrolyte
  • Lipid

Customised panels available to meet your specific needs


Step 1:

Place 0.1ml of blood sample on test disc


Step 2:

Place the disc in the reagent tray


Step 3:

Results are printed automatically after 12 minutes


SMT-120 Chemistry Analyser For Veterinary Use

Parameter discs available:-

  • Comprehensive
  • Health Check
  • Emergency and Severe Disease
  • Liver Function
  • Kidney Function
  • Electrolyte
  • Pre-operation Test

Customised panels available to meet your specific requirements


SMT-120 Specifications


Advanced Microdevices Pvt Ltd

RPSD - Rapid Plasma Separation Device

The RPSD separates free plasma from whole blood without the need for centrifugation or a laboratory service




Simple; hygienic and practical way to take a stool sample for iFOB measurement

One Step Rapid Diagnostic Testing Kits

JB Diagnostiks is proud to be able to offer the following rapid diagnostic testing kits:

Drugs of Abuse

Amphetamine (AMP) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 1,000ng/ml, CE

Methamphetamine (MET) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 300ng/ml, CE

Morphine (MOR) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 300ng/ml, CE

Marijuana (THC) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 50ng/ml, CE

Cocaine (COC) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 300ng/ml, CE

Ecstasy (MDMA) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 300ng/ml, CE

Barbiturates (BAR) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 300ng/ml, CE

Benzodiazepines (BZO), Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 300ng/ml, CE

Methadone (MTD) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 300ng/ml, CE

Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 1,000ng/ml, CE

Opiates (OPI) Urine Test Strip or Dipcard 2,000ng/ml, CE

Multi-Drug Test Panel (5-1) or (6-1) Urine or Saliva, CE

Multi-Drug Test Cup (5-1) or (6-1) Urine or Saliva, CE

Fertility Tests

HCG, Pregnancy Rapid Test, Urine only, Strip 2.5mm/3mm/4mm or 5mm, CE

HCG, Pregnancy Rapid Test, Urine only, 3mm or 4mm Cassette, CE

HCG, Midstream Pregnancy Rapid Test, Urine only, 4mm or 6mm Strip, CE

LH Ovulation Rapid Test, Urine only, 3mm or Cassette, CE

Hepatitis Tests

HbsAg, Hepatitis B Rapid test, Serum only, Strip or Cassette

HbcAb (ANTI-Hbc) Hepatitis B Test Strip Serum or Cassette 2-5ng/ml

HCV, Hepatitis C Rapid Test, Serum only, Strip or Cassette

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Tests:

HIV 1+2, HIV Antibodies Rapid Test, Serum, Cassette or Saliva Cassette/Strip

TP, Anti-Syphilis Test Strip or Cassette, Serum, 2ncu/ml, CE

NGH, Gonorrhea Test Strip or Cassette with secretory and urine 105 bacterium/ml, CE

Chlamydia Test Cassette

Tumour Marker Tests:

AFP, Early Alphafetoprotein, Rapid test, Serum only, 2ng/ml Strip or Cassette, CE

FOB, Faecal Occult Blood Rapid Test, Faecal only, Strip or Cassette, CE

PSA, Prostate Specific Antigen Rapid Test, Serum only, 4ug/l Strip or Cassette

CEA Rapid Test, colorectal, breast, lung & pancreas cancers, Serum only, Strip or Cassette, CE

Miscellanous Tests:

Malaria pf/pv Test Cassette Whole Blood, CE

Typhoid IgG/IgM Test Cassette Whole BloodTyphoid IgG/IgM Test Cassette Whole Blood

TB, detection of antibody against TB in serum and plasma Cassette, CE

RSV, Respiratory Virus and Packages Test Cassette, CE

HP, H Pylori Test Cassette, CE

Urinalysis Strip Parameter 10 Urine 100pcs/bottle, CE

Alcohol Saliva Test Strip, CE

*CE - Tests Kits CE Approved


Market Research in Nigeria

Titles of our most recent market research surveys:

Pharmaceutical Drug Market Survey in Nigeria

Prostate Disease Survey (alpha blockers, 5 alpha reductase inhibitors and erectile dysfunction drugs)

General Pharmaceutical Products Survey

In Vitro Diagnostics in Nigeria Survey

2in1 Smart Glucose Meter Market Survey

Blood Gas Analysers Survey

Glucose Meters in Nigeria

Market Reports

Report on Point of Care Testing (POCT) in Nigeria

Report on Blood Gas and Critical Care Point of Care Testing (POCT) in Nigeria

Healthcare Market Research Reports

At JB Consulting MDP, we serve both the United Kingdom and Nigeria and offer you quality market reports based on primary and secondary data, in addition to an analysis of the pharmaceutical and diagnostic laboratory sector in Nigeria.

We collect and extract relevant data and qualified data feeds from questionnaires and primary research responses. We then analyse information and translate it into a study ready for publication.

Our complete package includes:

Competitive Strategies

Critical Industry Trends

Market Share Determinations

Product and Market Forecasts

Threats and Opportunities

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